Learning Labs Help Girls Catch Up After Menstruation

Many girls don't have access to proper feminine hygiene care in Ethiopia, and even talking about the topic is often taboo.

ET Learns Coordinator Ashenafi Kebede talks with female students at the Liqa school in Ethiopia.

ET Learns Coordinator Ashenafi Kebede talks with female students at the Liqa school in Ethiopia.

Because of the stigma attached to menstruation and lack of access to proper sanitary products, many Ethiopian girls are forced to stay home when they're menstruating.

This can cause them to miss school for days at a time, and is often what contributes to girls dropping out of school when they get behind.

Our Learning Labs are helping to fix that.

Some of our Learning Labs are open after-hours, meaning that girls who miss school because of their period can catch up on their studies from the days that they missed. Three of our student-volunteer coordinators are girls, and more than 500 girls used our labs last summer to receive tutoring and use our labs as meeting places to discuss gender issues.

These are some of the ways a Learning Lab can change a life for good. Keeping girls in school is very important to us at ET Learns.